Tucker and Lola's Mom-Shea (Lola is next week's Featured Blogger)
I soon was ruling the house and everything was scheduled around me. I was very friendly and loved people until I was about a year old and a visitor to our house accidently scared me. I never got over it and now I don't like strangers at all. I have never met a cat or another dog that I don't like.
I had a very bad reaction to the rabie vaccine when I was a year old and it left me with permanent seizures. I take Phenobarbitol and my seizures are well controlled so they don't bother me all that much, but I can't ever have the rabie vaccine again.
I am a Mommy's boy and have to be with her 24/7. I like the other members of my family but if Mom is out of sight for very long I go looking for her.
I get cold very easy so my favorite place in the world is under the covers, I call this my "man cave", every man needs one. Being a naked Chi I also sunburn easy and have to wear sunblock if they take me outside. Did I mention how much I hate going outside? Well I do. I hate concrete, grass, rain and wind. The only way I want to go outside is in my Mom's arms. This is why my Mom trained me to use potty pads.
In many ways I am the typical Chihuahua and think I am as big as any other dog but in some ways I am not your typical Chihuahua. Did you know that a Chihuahua is the only breed that has no concept of it's size? I don't bark very much and I never shake, unless I am cold. I am also food crazy, that is the one bad habit(Mom says I have more but we aren't paying any attention to her)that I have. I will beg for or steal any food I can get my paws on. I don't care what it is I will eat it.
I have a sister, Lola, she is a Pug. That girl is a handful!
Three of my favorite posts:
Understanding the Pug
Lola Is Going To Be So Mad
Yep, She Is Going To Lose It!
Well you can see for yourself that Tucker is a cool little dude, so please swing by Tucker The Wee-Chu and give them some comment support from all of the Pet Blogs United members!
If you're interested in having your pet blog featured on Pet Blogs United, drop us a line at PBU at comcast dot net.
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